The story follows Christopher Banks, an Englishman who rises to prominence as a detective in London. Orphaned as a child after his parents mysteriously disappeared in Shanghai, Christopher resolves to uncover the truth behind their vanishing. As he delves into the past, his journey takes him back to the war-torn streets of Shanghai, where the lines between memory and reality blur.
Ishiguro masterfully unravels Christopher’s life, exposing the fragility of memory and the lengths we go to protect ourselves from pain. The novel explores themes of personal loss, the impact of colonialism, and the complexities of human connections, offering a haunting reflection on how our past shapes us.
Why Read This Book
- A compelling blend of mystery and psychological depth.
- Richly detailed settings, from pre-war England to war-torn Shanghai.
- Explores universal themes of identity, memory, and loss.
- A character-driven narrative that delves into the emotional complexities of its protagonist.
- Written by a Nobel Prize-winning author known for his evocative prose and profound storytelling.
About the Author
Kazuo Ishiguro is a British author of Japanese descent, widely regarded as one of the most influential contemporary writers. Born in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1954, Ishiguro moved to England with his family at a young age. Known for his understated yet powerful prose, he often explores themes of memory, identity, and the passage of time.
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