The Revenant by Michael Punke is an intense historical novel based on the true story of frontiersman Hugh Glass. Set in 1823 in the American West, the novel follows Glass's harrowing journey of survival and revenge after he is mauled by a grizzly bear and left for dead by members of his expedition team. Driven by sheer will and a deep sense of betrayal, Glass embarks on an extraordinary trek across a wilderness filled with danger—from hostile forces to treacherous landscapes—seeking justice against those who abandoned him.
The novel explores themes of survival, human resilience, and the unforgiving brutality of nature. It paints a vivid portrait of the early American frontier and the risks that early explorers faced in their quest for riches and discovery.
Why Read This Book?
- A gripping survival and revenge tale set against the backdrop of the American wilderness.
- Based on a true story, offering an immersive glimpse into the life of a 19th-century frontiersman.
- Richly descriptive, the novel transports readers into a world of extreme conditions and primal instincts.
- Fans of historical fiction, adventure, and stories of human endurance will find it particularly compelling.
About the Author
Michael Punke is an American author, lawyer, and former U.S. Ambassador to the World Trade Organization in Geneva. Though The Revenant is his most famous work, he has also written extensively on the American West and frontier history. His background as a historian is evident in the meticulous research that informs The Revenant, providing a historically grounded yet thrilling reading experience.
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