This collection includes The House of Bernarda Alba, one of Lorca’s most famous plays, alongside other notable works. Set in a rural Spanish town, The House of Bernarda Alba explores themes of repression, societal pressure, and the tragic consequences of authoritarianism within a family structure. Lorca’s works often blend themes of Spanish identity, sexuality, and the struggles of women under patriarchal systems.
Why Read This Book
- Lorca’s plays offer a powerful exploration of the human condition, addressing themes of repression, desire, and social constraints.
- The complex characters and intense emotional atmosphere make his works deeply compelling.
- A key collection for understanding 20th-century Spanish theater and the role of women in Lorca's vision of society.
About the Author
Federico García Lorca was one of Spain’s greatest playwrights and poets, known for his surreal and tragic themes. His works, often about the struggles of women, the poor, and the oppressed, are rich with symbolism and explore the tensions between individual desires and societal restrictions
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