Spanning over a century, The Glass Palace is an epic tale of love, family, and survival set against the backdrop of colonial Burma, India, and Malaya. The novel begins with the fall of the Burmese monarchy and follows the interconnected lives of Rajkumar, a young orphan, and Dolly, a handmaiden to the royal family. Richly detailed and deeply emotional, it explores themes of displacement, identity, and the far-reaching impacts of history on individuals and societies.
Why You Should Read This Book
- A sweeping historical narrative that captures the complexities of colonialism.
- Explores the personal and political struggles of individuals across generations.
- Beautifully written with vivid descriptions of Southeast Asia’s landscapes and cultures.
- A compelling mix of history, romance, and drama.
- Perfect for readers who enjoy literary fiction with depth and historical context.
About the Author
Amitav Ghosh is a critically acclaimed author known for his richly detailed historical fiction. His other notable works include The Shadow Lines and The Hungry Tide. Ghosh has received numerous awards for his writing, including the Jnanpith Award, India’s highest literary honor.
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