The Big Short tells the true story of the financial crash of 2008, focusing on the few people who foresaw the collapse of the housing market and the global economic meltdown that followed. Michael Lewis takes readers behind the scenes of the financial world, revealing the greed, negligence, and flawed financial instruments that led to the crisis. Through its memorable characters and sharp insights, the book explains complex financial concepts in an accessible and engaging way.
Why Read This Book
- Offers a clear and engaging explanation of the 2008 financial crisis and the role of subprime mortgages and derivatives.
- Profiles the unlikely investors who predicted the collapse, making for an intriguing narrative about risk and foresight.
- Provides insight into the world of high finance, showing how it can lead to devastating economic consequences.
- Essential reading for anyone interested in economics, finance, or understanding the causes behind global financial crises.
About the Author
Michael Lewis is a best-selling American author and financial journalist. He is known for writing extensively about economics, finance, and social issues, often focusing on individuals and events that highlight the flaws in systems and institutions. His other works include Liar’s Poker, Flash Boys, and Moneyball.
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