Mysterious Setting by Kazushige Abe, translated by Michael Emmerich, is a recently published novel (March 7, 2024) that has garnered attention for its dark humor, social commentary, and exploration of unconventional dreams. Here's a glimpse into what the novel offers:
Central Conflict:
- The story centers around Shiori, a young woman with a burning passion for music, but a complete lack of singing talent. Despite her "tone-deafness," Shiori aspires to be a troubadour.
Shifting Gears:
- When reality sets in, Shiori pursues a career as a lyricist instead. At 18, she ventures to Tokyo to chase her dream, facing the challenges of isolation and navigating an unfamiliar city.
Vulnerability and Opportunity:
- Seeking connection, Shiori turns to online spaces. Her trusting nature, however, makes her susceptible to exploitation, leading to a series of unexpected turns.
Genre and Style:
- Mysterious Setting is classified as literary fiction with strong elements of the absurd and dark comedy. Expect a surreal and twisty narrative that delves into themes of social outcasts, sibling dynamics, and the pursuit of dreams against all odds.
Critical Reception:
- Early reviews praise the novel for its unique voice, captivating plot, and Abe's masterful use of dark humor to explore serious societal issues.
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