Legendary by Stephanie Garber, published in 2018, is the second book in the Caraval series. The story continues the adventures of Tella Dragna as she navigates the magical and dangerous world of Caraval. With a mission to uncover hidden secrets and save her sister, Tella faces challenges that test her courage and resolve.
Why Read This Book
- Continues the captivating and magical Caraval series.
- Features a strong and determined female protagonist.
- Explores themes of family, courage, and sacrifice.
- Known for its vivid world-building and engaging plot.
- Ideal for readers who enjoy fantasy and adventure.
About the Author
Stephanie Garber is an American author known for her fantasy novels. Her debut series, Caraval, gained widespread acclaim for its imaginative world-building and captivating storytelling. Garber's writing is celebrated for its ability to transport readers to magical and enchanting worlds.
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