Hangsaman is an unsettling psychological novel by Shirley Jackson, known for her mastery of gothic and psychological horror. The story follows Natalie Waite, a young woman navigating the turbulence of adolescence, social isolation, and the pressure of parental expectations. As Natalie begins college, her perception of reality starts to fragment, blurring the lines between imagination and truth. The novel is a haunting exploration of identity, mental illness, and the alienation of young adulthood.
Why Read This Book
- Features Shirley Jackson’s signature atmospheric and suspenseful writing.
- Offers a deeply psychological narrative that examines the human psyche.
- Blends themes of coming-of-age and mental disintegration.
- Appeals to readers who enjoy introspective and unsettling literature.
- Considered a precursor to Jackson’s more famous works, providing insight into her evolving style.
About the Author
Shirley Jackson (1916–1965) was a celebrated American writer known for her works of horror, mystery, and psychological fiction. Her stories, including The Lottery and We Have Always Lived in the Castle, have cemented her legacy as one of the 20th century’s most influential authors. Her work often explores themes of alienation, family dynamics, and the uncanny.
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