Ash Bowman, a high school football player, leads a seemingly ordinary life until a hit on the football field changes everything—literally. Each hit sends Ash into a new alternate reality, where subtle yet profound differences exist. These changes force Ash to confront pressing societal issues such as privilege, racism, sexism, and inequality. As the realities become increasingly chaotic, Ash must find a way to navigate these fractured worlds and return to his own—if it still exists.
Why Read This Book
- Explores Parallel Universes: The concept of shifting realities provides a unique lens to examine societal issues and personal choices.
- Thought-Provoking Themes: Tackles important topics like systemic inequality, privilege, and identity, making readers reflect on their own worldviews.
- Engaging Narrative: Combines humor, tension, and emotion, keeping readers captivated while delivering profound insights.
- Relatable Protagonist: Ash’s journey of self-discovery and moral questioning resonates with young adult and adult audiences alike.
- Neal Shusterman’s Signature Style: Known for blending speculative fiction with real-world relevance, Shusterman delivers another standout story.
About the Author
Neal Shusterman is a renowned author of young adult literature, celebrated for his ability to tackle deep, philosophical questions through gripping narratives. His works often explore morality, societal structures, and personal responsibility.
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