Stephen King’s Carrie is a chilling tale of revenge and the supernatural, marking his debut into the literary world. The story follows Carrie White, a shy, outcast teenager with a deeply religious and abusive mother. Bullied mercilessly at school, Carrie discovers she has telekinetic powers. When a cruel prank at prom pushes her over the edge, she unleashes her newfound abilities in a catastrophic act of vengeance. A haunting exploration of cruelty, power, and repression, Carrieis a timeless tale that catapulted King into the realm of literary horror.
Why Read This Book
- A seminal work that established Stephen King as the master of horror.
- A gripping narrative that explores themes of bullying, isolation, and vengeance.
- Combines psychological depth with chilling supernatural elements.
- Features an unforgettable and tragic protagonist, making it both terrifying and poignant.
- A must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and classic horror.
About the Author
Stephen King, often hailed as the "King of Horror," is one of the most prolific and celebrated authors of our time. With a career spanning decades, King has written over 60 novels, many of which have become iconic works in modern literature. Known for his ability to blend the supernatural with the deeply personal, King’s works, including Carrie, The Shining, and It, have been adapted into numerous films, TV shows, and miniseries. His influence extends beyond horror, encompassing genres like fantasy, science fiction, and drama.
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